
Illegal Drugs

I think illegal drugs will always be a problem in society, because I think people use drugs as a way to escape from reality. Drugs such a cannabis is a plant some people will always smoke it because its a plant despite being illegal, however some people say that cannabis has some health benefis , doctors claim that long-term cannabis use can lead to schizophrenia. Drugs such as ectasy are poplular among clubbers, ectasy is usec some clubbers feel alet and can dance akll noght. Although people can die when they first take ecstasy. Young people may view taking drugs as a way of having fun asnd peer pressure can also be a reson why people start to take drugs. Some people are also curious about what is may feel like to be high off crack or cannabis, so therefore i think drugs will always be part of some people's lifestyle.

Below is a link to the resons people take drugs:


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